Home » Infrastructure » I to X Std CLASS WISE BOOK LIST 2019 – 2020

Class wise Book List

Std. I to V

  1. Maple Tree (Cambridge University Press)
  2. Listening and Speaking (Cambridge University Press)
  3. The World Around Us (Cambridge University Press)
  4. I Explore Science (Cambridge University Press)
  5. I Did It Mathematics (Cambridge University Press)
  6. Mrudul Hindi (Cambridge University Press)
  7. Book of Art And Craft (Kiriti Publication)
  8. Desktop (Goyal Brother Prakashan)
  9. Balbharati

Std. VI to VIII

  1. Maple Tree (Cambridge University Press)
  2. Listening and Speaking (Cambridge University Press)
  3. Cambridge Social Science (Cambridge University Press)
  4. I Explore Science (Cambridge University Press)
  5. I Did It Mathematics (Cambridge University Press)
  6. Mrudul Hindi (Cambridge University Press)
  7. Book of Art And Craft (Kiriti Publication)
  8. Desktop (Goyal Brother Prakashan)
  9. Balbharati

Std. IX

  1. English –Literature Reader – CBSE IX 
  2. English – Main Course Book- CBSE IX 
  3. English – Work Book- CBSE IX 
  4. India and the Contemporary World – I – NCERT IX 
  5. Democratic Politics – Part I – NCERT IX 
  6. Geography – Resources and Development- NCERT IX 
  7. Economics – NCERT IX 
  8. Disaster Management- CBSE IX 
  9. Mathematics – NCERT IX 
  10. Science – NCERT IX 
  11. Computers Ahead – Orient Black Swan IX 
  12. Laboratory Manual for Science – Madhubun IX 
  13. Laboratory Manual in Mathematics- Candid Evergreen IX 
  14. Mainstreaming Health & Physical Education

Std. X

  1. English –Literature Reader – CBSE X 
  2. English – Main Course Book- CBSE X 
  3. English – Work Book- CBSE X 
  4. India and the Contemporary World – II – NCERT X
  5. Democratic Politics – Part II – NCERT X 
  6. Geography –- NCERT X 
  7. Economics – NCERT X 
  8. Disaster Management- CBSE X 
  9. Mathematics- NCERT X 
  10. Science – NCERT X 
  11. Computers Ahead – Orient Black Swan X 
  12. Laboratory Manual for Science – Madhubun X
  13. Laboratory Manual in Mathematics – Candid Evergreen X 
  14. Mainstreaming Health & Physical Education